Relay for Life Westport Recap

An inspiring weekend at Relay for Life Westport

Westport Bike Shop and Multisport were thrilled to support Relay for Life Westport for the Second Year. Lead by our team captain Breege Staunton our team raised a total of €6025 in support of the Irish Cancer Society.

In our fundraising efforts we had team members getting very creative.

A few stand outs were,

We were also bowled over by the local shops and hotels who contributed towards some fantastic Hampers which were available over the weekend.

A huge congratulations is due to the organisers of the event and to all our members for your amazing efforts.

Thanks to one and all,

Find out a little about Relay for Life and the great work it does below

We would love to see any photos you may have from the weekend and maybe add them to our gallery, feel free to share with us on Social or on email.

What is Relay for Life?

Relay for Life Ireland is a remarkable community-driven event that plays a pivotal role in raising cancer awareness and funding life-saving research.

It’s a 24-hour celebration where people come together to honor cancer survivors, remember those lost to the disease, and pledge to fight back against cancer.

Participants form teams and take turns walking around a track, symbolizing the ongoing fight against cancer. The event also features a special Candle of Hope ceremony, where candles are lit to pay tribute to those affected by cancer. This powerful moment provides an opportunity for reflection and shows solidarity with those facing the disease.

Relay for Life Ireland not only raises funds for the Irish Cancer Society but also fosters a sense of unity and hope within the community, as everyone joins forces for a common cause.

If you would like to contribute to a fantastic cause follow the link below to donate or to find out more about Relay for Life.

Donate or Find out more about Relay for life